Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Whooh.. we have a big tummy female
In fact for this pair we have keep for quite some time already
but yet to post any picture because of their colour
highly reflective

Its almost impossible to take a decent pic of them for the past weeks
especially the male.. he is camera shy.

for the past hour, i only manage to capture these few
we have just transferred the pair of Green Mask HMPK into their breeding tank

This is our female lead. Actually both of them are siblings
with very good genes.

Here come our camera-shy handsome boy
Not his best pic, as he is always flaring at some hidden angle

Female will be placed at in the floating tank until she is ready.
Meantime, the courtship shall begin here

This will be where both of them shall be for the next 2 days
nurture some feelings.. hah!
The male also starts to blow some bubbles..

Shall update again.. esp on his bubbles nest
I believe should be quite big by tomorrow morning.

P/s: Marina, do you want to name them?? No names yet
p/p/s: haha someone say she never seen fish mate before! want to see??
haha.. stay tuned then

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