Saturday, April 11, 2009


Something bad just happen
I was changing the water for the fishes
when 1 particular bugger start to jump

I shall name him 'Dumbo Ting' as his pectoral fins are big
just like elephant ears

I went "SHIT SHIT SHIT" when i saw the Dumbo jump from my net
to the sink, and I try to pick him up
Jump further.. 3 time and couldnt get him
as I see him turn dull grey and near to drainage.

I start to panicked and quickly try again...
manage to scoop him up...
Yes was in my hands and i cupped him to where the Tank is

Just went I thought he went into the tank now
NO! Jump again and landed out of the tank and onto the floor

OMG!!!! I tot this time he sure confirm dying
as I have to try scooping him up twice before he gets in to the tank this time
Super scare.. I know Emma sure gonna scold me if this bugger die on me!!

Dumbo really turn a dull sheet of grey
and I think we both equally shocked by this drama
The worse is, I saw one of his pectoral(on the side) fins sticking to his body
only right side is moving, the left is like dead fin

Wah piang, I thought he is injured as i went on to inspect the rest
Put some yellow powers and tons of leaves to calm him down
the left pectoral fin still not moving

I guess that is it, this little fellow is injured for sure
and he looked super depressed and dull even beside a flaring male
Im so worried, he will die within the next hour
Emma sure will scold, cuz we just bought dumbo yesterday

so I decided to stimulate him
Put a pretty sexy red babe beside his tank
Viola!! He start to dance, flaring at the female
even all the colours came back

(See before the pectoral fin are not even movable)
Start snatching at the worms i fed and even start
blowing bubbles (a sign of comfort)

KNS.... scare me for nothing
I think all male bettas are so horny and chee kor (lusty)
Get well immediate at the sight of babes!!

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