Saturday, April 25, 2009

Superb Make-up Skills

See how make-up can enhance a gal's look.
(repost from email)

In this case... its really superb skills that do wonders!


  1. how many products did she slather on anyway? 0_0

    how come all the bumpy pimples fron the 1st photo disappear entirely? i think it's more than just products and makeup..the pics are probably also photoshopped :)

  2. I can say she used a whole lotsa of pre-make up preps and concealer.

    The 1st pic is actually more like marks than pimples. But u know in the market nw, there are lotsa of concealer that do wonders. on foto, its really smooth skins.
    I seen real life case before.

    there is even 1 type of concealer that is professional series, can cover serious scar and birthmark.. hws tat?!hehe

  3. oh. mah. gawd. this merely justifies the saying, 'thr are no ugly girls, only poor ones'... i mean look at her! gawddayumm..

  4. Ya. But in the figst place, the girl not tat ugly. She okay looking and her features are proportionate. Some things like big face, big nose etc cannot be hidden with make up.

  5. wick>Yah, she really ENHANCED her features and looks with the correct make-up skills.

    N the best is, end result doesnt give the look of typical thick make-up eg like XX.. LOL.. oopys

  6. Veyroniqa> yah.. that is the difference between spending 30 mins or 1.5hrs to leave the house

  7. The trick 2 make up magic is ahem ... Practice. Practice. Practice until you get it right.

  8. Martin, that is OF COS NOT Char..
    I make up also not pretty...

    and I now belong to that Lazy category!

    Last time need 2 hrs to leave the hse, now only need 30mins :P
